2020.06.19 17:03Nation

旅行者向けに指針 コロナ下での注意点―観光庁


2020.06.19 17:03Nation

Japan Sets Virus Prevention Guidelines for Travelers

The Japan Tourism Agency on Friday released guidelines on how to enjoy traveling while taking measures to prevent infection with the new coronavirus.
   On the day, the government fully lifted its request for voluntary restrictions on traveling across prefectural borders, issued in response to the virus outbreak.
   The guidelines provide easy-to-understand explanations of do's and don'ts during traveling and eating, as well as basic steps to reduce coronavirus infection risks.
   As basic steps, the guidelines call on travelers to wear face masks, check their health condition every morning, make sure to wash hands and allow some latitude in their travel schedules.
   Words of caution offered by the guidelines include "Refrain from holding excited conversations inside vehicles," "Do not pour someone's drink or have them pour it for you," and "Use your eyes to choose souvenirs instead of touching them."


