2020.06.19 18:08Nation

大阪都構想の最終案、了承 11月にも住民投票―吉村知事「これから審判」







2020.06.19 18:08Nation

Osaka Panel Approves Final Plan for City Reorganization

The final reorganization plan for the city of Osaka was approved at a meeting of a panel of officials and assembly members of Osaka Prefecture and the city Friday.
   The plan to reorganize the western Japan city into four special wards Jan. 1, 2025, was approved by a majority vote with support from the regional political party Osaka Ishin no Kai and some members of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito.
   The final plan will be submitted soon to the internal affairs ministry by the statutory panel, set up by the prefecture and its capital.
   The panel will adopt an agreement on the plan after hearing opinions from the ministry. The agreement is expected to be approved by the prefectural and city assemblies around September.
   A second referendum on the so-called Osaka metropolis plan is likely to take place as early as Nov. 1 if the timetable is not affected by the new coronavirus or other reasons.


