2020.06.19 14:47Nation

日本人400人超、来週訪越へ 両国の往来再開合意後で初




2020.06.19 14:47Nation

Over 400 Japanese Biz People to Visit Vietnam Next Week

Over 400 Japanese business people are expected to visit Vietnam between Thursday and June 27, as Japan and Vietnam move to relax their mutual coronavirus travel restrictions, according to informed sources.
   The move comes after the Japanese and Vietnamese governments announced an agreement on Friday that the two countries will ease border control measures they introduced against each other to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus in stages and resume mutual visits by a limited range of people including visitors for business.
   The visits will mark the first entry by Japanese business people into Vietnam after the agreement.
   According to the sources, Vietnam Airlines will fly chartered planes for three days from Thursday between Narita International Airport near Tokyo and Van Don airport in northern Vietnam, transporting a total of over 400 Japanese business people, mainly expatriates.
   On arrival, the business people will take coronavirus tests and other required steps and be quarantined for 14 days at hotels.


