2020.06.19 12:00Nation

テレワーク定着へ強化月間 コロナ第2波に備え―政府


2020.06.19 12:00Nation

Japan Govt Agencies to Run Monthlong Teleworking Campaign

   Tokyo, June 19 (Jiji Press)-Japanese government ministries and agencies will set up special monthlong campaigns respectively to promote teleworking among their staff, it was learned Friday.
   The government's council pursuing work-life balance and female staff empowerment, made up of vice ministers from all ministries and agencies, agreed at a meeting the same day on the launch of the teleworking campaigns to promote work style reform and prepare for a possible second wave of novel coronavirus infections and other emergencies.
   Teleworking was widely adopted in Japan as a way to reduce infection risks amid the COVID-19 epidemic.
   Each government ministry or agency will promote teleworking for a month between July and September. The government bodies are expected to review their work processes that are currently required to be done in the office and create plans for improving computer and telecommunications hardware environments.
   The Finance Ministry will conduct online some of their meetings with other ministries and agencies regarding the drafting of the government budget for the next fiscal year.


