2020.06.18 07:13Nation

国内旅行、復調の兆し 地元客増、第2波懸念も


2020.06.18 07:13Nation

Japan Tourism Shows Signs of Recovery after Blow from Epidemic

The tourism industry in Japan is showing signs of a pickup after the novel coronavirus crisis dealt it a severe blow.
   Many lodging facilities that resumed business after the lifting of the government's coronavirus state of emergency in May are seeing a gradual recovery in reservations this month, mainly from local customers. Financial aid from local governments for regional tourism has also contributed to a pickup in demand.
   However, inbound tourists from outside Japan remain almost nonexistent, and concerns over a second wave of coronavirus infections linger.
   "Cancellations of domestic travel reservations have peaked out," a Nippon Travel Agency Co. official said, adding that new inquiries started to increase this month.
   According to Tokyo-based Tripla, which operates a travel reservation system, the number of reservations for 300 domestic hotels through the system fell to a record low in mid-April, but recovered to 70 pct of pre-coronavirus crisis levels in late May.


