2020.06.17 18:48Nation

自治体のデジタル化推進 人手不足や感染症に備え―地制調答申案


2020.06.17 18:48Nation

Japan Panel Calls for Digitization of Local Govts

A Japanese government panel has come up with a set of draft proposals, including a call for promoting the digitization of local governments' businesses to prepare for manpower shortages and outbreaks of infectious diseases.
   The draft proposals on how local administration should be toward 2040 when the pace of decrease in Japan's population is expected to become serious were approved at a general meeting of the panel on Wednesday and will be presented to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe by July.
   The panel, headed by Sumitomo Forestry Co. Chairman Akira Ichikawa, warned in the draft package that the aging of society and infrastructure, as well as the population decrease, will accelerate toward 2040.
   The ongoing novel coronavirus crisis has highlighted the risk of population concentration in major cities and at the same time the importance of utilizing advanced technologies and facilitating cooperation among local governments, it said.
   The promotion of digitization of local governments' operations is required for providing administrative services promptly and effectively, the panel said, proposing that the use of the My Number social security and taxation identification system be advanced and unified standards for the basic resident register and other systems be created to help local governments reduce related maintenance costs.


