2020.06.17 16:29Nation

特定技能にコンビニ追加 自民、外国人政策提言へ


2020.06.17 16:29Nation

LDP Calls for Allowing Foreigners to Work Full Time at Convenience Stores

A special committee of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party came up with a proposal Wednesday that the government allow foreigners to work full time at convenience stores under the new visa system.
   Currently, convenience stores can hire foreigners only if they are students in Japan and only as part-timers permitted to work up to 28 hours a week in principle. But the industry hopes that such foreigners, particularly those who are demonstrating workplace leadership, will be allowed to work full time.
   Given the situation, the LDP panel decided to recommend that the government add the convenience store sector to the list of industries that can accept full-time workers with specified skills from other countries under the new visa system, when it compiles basic plans for economic and fiscal policy management in July.
   The panel will also advise the government to explore ways to make use of foreign workforce in the trucking and industrial waste disposal industries with a view to adding the industries to the list and promote acceptance of highly skilled foreign financial workers such as professionals considering to leave Hong Kong, whose status as a global financial center is jeopardized by the Chinese government's tighter control.
   Among other proposals is that the Immigration Services Agency maintain its special rule to allow workers with specified skills and technical trainees who became jobless in the coronavirus crisis to find jobs in not only business sectors where they were initially permitted to work but other sectors.


