2020.06.17 12:03Nation

河井前法相夫妻が自民に離党届 執行部受理へ

河井克行 衆院議員

河井克行 衆院議員


河井案里 参院議員

河井案里 参院議員


2020.06.17 12:03Nation

Ex-Justice Min. Kawai, Wife Offer to Leave LDP

Former Japanese Justice Minister Katsuyuki Kawai and his wife, Anri, on Wednesday offered to leave the ruling Liberal Democratic Party over an election scandal involving Anri's camp, party sources said.
   The LDP leadership team plans to accept the couple's resignations from the party, the sources said. The development looks certain to deal a blow to the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as Katsuyuki is close to the prime minister and Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, pundits said.
   A former policy secretary to Katsuyuki and a state-paid secretary to Anri are on trial for allegedly paying a daily amount exceeding the legal limit to staff workers of Anri's campaign for the July 2019 election for the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament. Anri won a parliamentary seat for the first time in the election, running in the poll from the prefectural constituency of Hiroshima, western Japan.
   In addition, the couple is suspected of having distributed cash to local politicians in the prefecture before the election to ask them for support for shoring up votes for Anri in the poll.
   Public prosecutors are expected to launch a full-scale investigation into Katsuyuki, a member of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber, and Anri for suspected vote-buying in violation of the public offices election law, after the regular Diet session ends on Wednesday.


