2020.06.16 18:43Nation

通常国会、17日閉幕 野党「年末まで延長」、与党拒否




2020.06.16 18:43Nation

Opposition Parties to Call for Year-Round Diet Session

Japan's major opposition parties agreed Tuesday to demand that the current session of the Diet, the country's parliament, be extended by 194 days to Dec. 28.
   The agreement came at a meeting in the Diet of the secretaries-general of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, the Democratic Party for the People and the Social Democratic Party and the secretariat chief of the Japanese Communist Party.
   On Wednesday, the parties will make the request to House of Representatives Speaker Tadamori Oshima and introduce a motion to extend the five-month ordinary Diet session, set to end the same day. Meanwhile, they will decide whether to propose a non-confidence motion against the cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe after carefully monitoring moves by the ruling coalition led by the Liberal Democratic Party.
   Emerging from the meeting, Tetsuro Fukuyama of the leading opposition CDPJ told reporters that the Diet should stay in business "to prepare for a second wave of novel coronavirus outbreaks."
   He also noted that the opposition camp intends to seek the government's explanations about why it abruptly suspended plans to deploy the Aegis Ashore land-based missile defense system.


