2020.06.16 14:45Nation

特定秘密指定、米軍以外も 運用基準を初改定―政府


2020.06.16 14:45Nation

Japan's Special Secret Designations to Cover Non-U.S. Troops

The cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe adopted on Tuesday revised guidelines for the application of Japan's specially designated secrets law that newly enable the government to protect information on cooperation between the Self-Defense Forces and troops of countries other than the United States.
   The first revision of the application guidelines for the law, which took effect in 2004, was made after the scope of SDF activities was expanded under new national security legislation enacted in 2015.
   Meanwhile, the revised guidelines oblige the government to review at least once a year whether designated information meets required criteria and carefully determine if protection is necessary as far as intangible information is concerned.
   The Abe cabinet also adopted a parliamentary report on special secret designations in 2019.
   According to the report, 12 government bodies made 569 designations as of the end of December, up from 551 designations by 11 bodies a year earlier, with 485,108 documents involved.


