2020.06.16 18:09Nation

河井案里氏秘書に有罪 議員失職の可能性高まる―公選法違反事件・広島地裁

 横井朗・広島地検次席検事の話 事実認定、量刑とも適正・妥当な判決だ。(2020/06/16-18:09)

2020.06.16 18:09Nation

Aide to Anri Kawai Found Guilty over Campaign Scandal

A Japanese court on Tuesday sentenced a secretary to House of Councillors lawmaker Anri Kawai to 18 months in prison, suspended for five years, over an election law violation during her campaign last year.
   Hiroshima District Court found Hiroshi Tatemichi, a 54-year-old state-paid secretary to Kawai, guilty of paying campaign workers more than the legal limit during her campaign for the Upper House poll last July. The prosecution had sought a prison term of 18 months.
   In the trials, Tatemichi claimed that he was not involved in deciding how much would be paid to campaign workers and was guilty only of assisting the wrongdoing.
   Tatemichi was seeking to receive a fine instead of a prison sentence, an attempt that could prevent Kawai's win from being nullified under the guilt-by-association system.
   According to the indictment, Tatemichi paid a total of 2.04 million yen to 14 campaign workers for Kawai between around July 19 and 23 last year. The payments exceeded the daily limit of 15,000 yen per person, violating the public offices election law.


