2020.06.16 13:17Nation

土地は預貯金・株より不利? 半数近くが否定的―国交省調査


2020.06.16 13:17Nation

Fewer Japanese See Land as Advantageous Asset: White Paper

An increasing number of Japanese people think that real estate investment is not a better option than bank savings and stock investment, according to a government white paper released Tuesday.
   According to a survey of 3,000 people conducted by the land ministry in fiscal 2019, the proportion of people who did not think that real estate was an advantageous investment asset rose to a record 45.3 pct, up 5.9 percentage points from the previous year.
   The white paper on land for fiscal 2020 was adopted at a cabinet meeting the same day.
   "The increasing tendency of people to feel that maintaining and managing real estate is a burden may be one factor," a ministry representative said, noting that the decreasing population has led to an increase in cases where people inherit land from relatives living far away.
   The ministry survey, conducted annually since fiscal 1993, asked in fiscal 2019 whether respondents thought real estate was a better asset than savings or stocks. Those who said real estate was advantageous totaled only 27.1 pct.


