2020.06.15 17:30Nation

安倍首相「行政電子化を推進」 給付金外注先、補佐官が元顧問―参院決算委




2020.06.15 17:30Nation

Abe Ready for Digitization of Administrative Procedures

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe indicated on Monday plans to move forward with digitization of administrative procedures, taking advantage of the coronavirus epidemic.
   "It's essential to make thorough efforts to cut paper, seal-stamping and face-to-face procedures at this time," Abe told a meeting of the House of Councillors Audit Committee.
   On a scandal over outsourcing of operations to provide cash relief to businesses hit by the coronavirus crisis, Abe admitted that Eiichi Hasegawa, a special adviser to Abe, had served as adviser to an event company that won a related contract through major advertising agency Dentsu Inc. until December 2012, before Hasegawa took up his current post.
   Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan lawmaker Kuniyoshi Noda accused the Abe government of having had a collusive relationship with the company, but Abe denied such ties. "We've never done anything for the company," Abe said.
   Asked about delays in providing subsidies, the prime minister said, "It's true that there were various problems in documents" submitted by applicants.


