2020.06.15 12:30Nation

罰則付き法整備、安倍首相「慎重に検討」 新型コロナ対策で―参院決算委


2020.06.15 12:30Nation

Japan's Abe Cautious about Law with Penalties to Fight Virus

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Monday showed a cautious attitude toward legislation allowing business suspension orders and outing restrictions with penalties for violators in the fight against the new coronavirus.
   While admitting that such legislation should be considered if the need arises, Abe told a meeting of the House of Councillors Audit Committee, "We need careful deliberations because the move involves major restraints on private rights."
   Currently in Japan, there are no penalties for people ignoring business suspension or stay-home requests issued by authorities.
   Asked about delays in providing subsidies for sustaining businesses amid the coronavirus crisis, the prime minister said, "It's true that there were various problems in documents" submitted by applicants.
   "Not everything is the industry ministry's fault," he said, adding that a total of over 2 trillion yen to 1.5 million applicants has been already paid.


