2020.06.14 21:10Nation

安倍首相、ワクチン年末確保へ交渉 新型コロナ


2020.06.14 21:10Nation

Japan in Talks to Secure Coronavirus Vaccines: Abe

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Sunday that the country is in talks with overseas pharmaceutical firms on securing vaccines for the novel coronavirus toward year-end.
   Appearing in an internet program, Abe said that work by Moderna Inc. of the United States and AstraZeneca PLC of Britain to develop coronavirus vaccines is progressing.
   "Japan is in negotiations (with the two companies) to make sure that our country can secure the vaccines once they are completed," he said, noting that vaccination may start as early as at the end of this year.
   Still, the prime minister said, "We should not lower the guard against the coronavirus although the summer is coming," stressing his intention to fully support the medical treatment system and expand virus testing to better prepare for the possibility of Japan being hit by a second wave of infections.


