2020.06.09 07:04Nation

「楽しくない」「友達できない」 感染対策で学校ギスギス―新型コロナ


2020.06.09 07:04Nation

Children Face Frustrations at Reopened Schools in Japan

Many children are voicing frustration and disappointment at school life due to measures introduced after the coronavirus epidemic.
   Although many schools have resumed lessons after the state of emergency over the virus was lifted last month, experts are concerned that students may start to dislike attending school.
   At one private school in Tokyo for junior high and high school students, faculty members stood on streets near the school holding signs warning students not to speak to each other or stand close. The students walk to school quietly, a drastic change from the lively chatter that used to brighten up the commute to school.
   Students on social media and online discussion boards have complained of coronavirus measures introduced at their schools, with comments such as "lunch is not fun because conversations are banned" and "it is no fun being unable to play during recess."
   Some new students have said they cannot make friends due to cancellations of important school events, while others say that the oversight of teachers was scaring them.


