2020.05.28 17:00Nation

コロナ第2波に警戒 小倉城など43施設休館―北九州市







2020.05.28 17:00Nation

City of Kitakyushu Alert for 2nd Wave of Virus Infections

Kitakyushu Mayor Kenji Kitahashi on Thursday voiced concerns over a possible second wave of novel coronavirus infections, following a series of new cases confirmed in the southwestern Japan city recently.
   "We're standing at the entrance of a second wave of infections," he told a regular press conference. "Sharing the recognition that a big second wave will certainly hit us if this situation continues, we hope to get out of this crisis by dealing with the situation appropriately."
   The Kitakyushu government decided to close 43 facilities in the city, including Kokura Castle, a major tourist spot, from Thursday through June 18 as part of its efforts to prevent the spread of the virus.
   After one person tested positive for the virus on April 29, Kitakyushu saw no new infection cases for 23 days in a row through Friday last week.
   But the city, part of Fukuoka Prefecture, had new infection cases for five straight days from Saturday to Wednesday, with the total number during the period reaching 22.


