2020.05.27 18:49Nation

歩きスマホ防止条例制定へ 7月施行目指す―神奈川県大和市




2020.05.27 18:49Nation

Eastern Japan City to Set Ordinance against "Smartphone Zombies"

The city government of Yamato in Kanagawa Prefecture, eastern Japan, plans to set an ordinance intended to prevent smartphone use while walking.
   Through the ordinance, the city aims to alert people to the danger of using smartphones while walking, which involves the risk of collisions with other pedestrians and traffic accidents.
   Announcing the plan on Wednesday, the city government said that it will submit the ordinance to the Yamato city assembly's regular session in June, in the hope of putting it into effect on July 1.
   This will be the first ordinance in the country designed to combat "smartphone zombies," or people operating smartphones while walking, according to the city government.
   The road traffic act bans people from using smartphones while driving or cycling. But there are no laws or ordinances based on which warnings are given to smartphone zombies at present.


