2020.03.31 12:09Nation

噴火後3時間で首都圏停電も 富士山の降灰被害想定―中央防災会議


2020.03.31 12:09Nation

Mt. Fuji Eruption May Trigger Tokyo Blackout in 3 Hours

A possible large eruption of Mount Fuji in central Japan may trigger a blackout and train network disruptions in the Tokyo metropolitan area in three hours due to ash fall, a government panel said Tuesday.
   The estimate was included in a report released by the government's Central Disaster Management Council, which held a task force meeting the same day on estimated damage from a possible large eruption of the tallest mountain in Japan.
   The panel will draw up another report on the impact of ash fall and measures against it as early as early April, hoping that the report will be reflected on the government's basic disaster response plan and business continuity plans at companies.
   Tuesday's report assumed three cases with different directions of wind, on the basis of the 1707 eruption of Mount Fuji.
   If the wind blows from west-southwest, a scenario that is believed to cause the biggest damage to the Tokyo metropolitan area, and volcanic ash is wet due to rainfall, blackouts may occur in Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo, and Chiba Prefecture, east of Tokyo, in three hours after the eruption due to a fall in the performance of thermal power plants.


