2020.03.28 11:45Nation

新型コロナ、自衛隊を再派遣 成田・羽田で帰国者支援


2020.03.28 11:45Nation

Japan Dispatches SDF for Quarantine Efforts at Airports

Japanese Defense Minister Taro Kono issued on Saturday an order to dispatch Self-Defense Forces troops as part of his country's efforts to strengthen quarantine steps amid the spread of the new coronavirus.
   From Saturday, the dispatched troops are engaged in the work to quarantine people arriving at Tokyo International Airport at Haneda and Narita International Airport in Chiba Prefecture, east of Tokyo. They are also supporting the transport of such people to designated facilities.
   The Defense Ministry dispatched SDF members on a voluntary basis based on a judgment that the current situation represents a case stipulated by the SDF law where the ministry should not wait for a dispatch request from a prefectural governor.
   This is the second time for the ministry to dispatch SDF troops in the fight against the new coronavirus.
   On Jan. 31, the ministry issued an order to send SDF personnel to deal with mass infections at the Diamond Princess cruise ship quarantined off the cost of Japan. This mission was completed on March 16.


