2020.03.27 10:31Nation

首里城、26年復元目指す 防火徹底、政府が工程表




2020.03.27 10:31Nation

Japan Aims to Rebuild Shuri Castle's Main Hall by 2026

The Japanese government on Friday decided to aim for rebuilding the "Seiden" main hall of fire-struck Shuri Castle in Okinawa Prefecture by 2026.
   The target is included in a road map for reconstructing the castle destroyed by a fire late last October, which was adopted at the day's meeting of cabinet ministers concerned. Part of the iconic castle in Naha, the capital of the southernmost Japan prefecture, is included in a UNESCO World Heritage site.
   The road map calls for starting work to design the new main hall next month or later, with construction slated to begin in 2022, which marks the 50th anniversary of Okinawa's reversion to Japan from U.S. jurisdiction.
   Water sprinklers and state-of-the-art fire detection equipment will be installed to make sure that a fire is stopped in its early stages once it occurs. Domestic cypress trees will be mainly used for the building, and rare forestry materials native to Okinawa will be utilized as much as possible.
   The government also decided to swiftly start discussions on the reconstruction of the "Hokuden" north hall and the "Nanden" south hall, also burned down in the October fire.


