2020.03.26 21:21Nation

外出自粛、首都圏に拡大 1都4県知事がメッセージ―新型コロナ「感染爆発」警戒




2020.03.26 21:21Nation

Tokyo-Area Governors Jointly Ask People to Stay Home over COVID-19

The governors of Tokyo and four neighboring prefectures issued a joint message on Thursday urging their people to avoid leaving home for nonessential purposes, to prevent an explosive surge in COVID-19 infections.
   The governors of Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa and Yamanashi held a teleconference on the day as the number of cases of the coronavirus disease is rising notably in the Japanese capital.
   In the joint message, the governors stressed that people need to avoid going outside, keep away from spaces with poor air ventilation and crowds, refrain from holding events, in order to avert a citywide lockdown. They also urged young people to remain cautious as it is difficult to detect infections among them.
   Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike, at a press conference on Wednesday, described the current situation as a "critical stage" in terms of whether the capital can prevent an explosive surge in COVID-19 cases. She called on Tokyo residents to stay home over the coming weekend and working at home on weekdays.
   The four neighboring prefectures followed Tokyo in strengthening measures to block the spread of the novel coronavirus.


