2020.03.26 19:09Nation

沖縄県側の敗訴確定 「承認撤回」取り消しで―辺野古埋め立て・最高裁


2020.03.26 19:09Nation

Top Court Nixes Okinawa's Petition to Block Henoko Landfill

Japan's Supreme Court on Thursday backed a lower court's rejection of a petition from the Okinawa prefectural government to block landfill work for the planned relocation of a U.S. military base within the prefecture.
   In the lawsuit, Okinawa sought to revive its withdrawal of approval for landfill work off Okinawa's Henoko coastal district to relocate the Marine Corps' Futenma air base in Ginowan, also Okinawa.
   The withdrawal was revoked by the land minister in 2019, following a complaint made by the Defense Ministry under the administrative complaint review law. The prefecture argued that the ministry had no right to make such an appeal.
   At the top court's First Petty Bench, Presiding Judge Takuya Miyama supported the ruling by the Naha branch of Fukuoka High Court that the land minister's decision was "not subject to lawsuits."
   The southernmost prefecture has also filed a separate lawsuit against the land minister's decision with Naha District Court.


