2020.03.25 21:33Nation

21年東京五輪、夏以外も選択肢 バッハ会長「中止も検討した」


2020.03.25 21:33Nation

Tokyo Olympics before Summer 2021 Is an Option: Bach

International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach on Wednesday suggested a possibility of the postponed Tokyo Olympics being held before summer next year.
   "The task force (on rescheduling the Tokyo Games) can consider the broader picture, and this is not restricted just to the summer months," Bach said in a media teleconference. "All the options are on the table before or during the summer 2021."
   In a joint statement released on Tuesday, the IOC and the Tokyo Games organizing committee said they agreed that the Tokyo Olympics "must be rescheduled to a date beyond 2020 but not later than summer 2021."
   Bach revealed that the IOC will hold a teleconference with international sports federations on Thursday to discuss the effects of the postponement, which was decided in response to the global outbreak of the new coronavirus. The rescheduled Summer Olympic Games "will need sacrifices, will need compromises by all the stakeholders," he said, adding,"We have to find the best possible solution under the circumstances we are living in."
   The IOC chief also said that the games' "cancellation was discussed and considered" at one point. However, he added, "It was very clear from the beginning that cancellation should not be something the IOC would favor, because our mission is to organize Olympic Games and to make the Olympic dreams of the athletes come true."


