2020.03.25 17:33Nation

7割「日本人の可能性低い」 シベリア抑留、遺骨再鑑定―厚労省


2020.03.25 17:33Nation

70 Pct of Remains Collected in Siberia Likely Not Japanese

A team of third-party experts has confirmed in a re-examination that about 70 pct of remains brought from Siberia to Japan are highly unlikely those of Japanese detainees, the welfare ministry said Wednesday.
    Last year, suspicions arose that remains of 597 people collected as those of Japanese people who were detained in the Russian region after World War II and died there are not Japanese.
    In their initial DNA analysis, the experts found indications in about 70 pct of the remains that they are not those of Japanese people, while they failed to find any clue for the rest, saying they were unrecognizable.
   Seven of the nine burial sites where the remains of 597 people were collected were not mainly used as burial sites for Japanese soldiers, the team said.
   The team also concluded that the remains of 10 people collected in the Philippines in 2010 are likely not those of Japanese, supporting a similar conclusion by other experts.


