2020.03.25 12:36Nation

山下JOC会長「1年は一番妥当」 金30個の目標は変えず




2020.03.25 12:36Nation

1-Year Olympic Postponement "Most Appropriate": JOC Chief

Japanese Olympic Committee President Yasuhiro Yamashita on Wednesday supported the latest decision to put off the Tokyo Olympics by about one year amid the coronavirus pandemic.
   "The direction (of the games) was determined earlier than I had expected," Yamashita told reporters in Tokyo. "I think the one-year postponement is most appropriate," he said, adding, "We'll make efforts to hold the Olympics in a safe environment."
   The International Olympic Committee made a formal decision on Tuesday to move back the Olympic Games for about a year from the originally scheduled summer this year, after an agreement was reached in a conference call between IOC President Thomas Bach and Japanese officials including Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the day.
   "It may be difficult for athletes to shift their motional gear, but the direction has now been set," Yamashita also said, expressing his readiness to step up preparations toward 2021.
   Yamashita said that the JOC will unlikely change its goal for Japan to win 30 or more gold medals in the Tokyo Olympics.


