2020.03.25 07:10Nation

五輪延期も「支援継続」 追加負担は不可避―スポンサー各社


2020.03.25 07:10Nation

Sponsors Ready to Keep Supporting Tokyo Olympics

Companies sponsoring the Tokyo Olympics are poised to continue supporting the games following a decision on the postponement of the event due to the coronavirus pandemic.
   Still, a large amount of work awaits them, including negotiations for extending their sponsorship contracts. "It would be unavoidable for us to shoulder additional costs," an official at a sponsor company said.
   The International Olympic Committee decided Tuesday to put off the Tokyo Olympics, originally scheduled this summer, by about one year, after telephone talks between IOC President Thomas Bach and Japanese officials including Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the day.
   Dozens of Japanese and foreign companies serve as sponsors of the Olympics, including the 14 top-tier "worldwide Olympic partners," such as Toyota Motor Corp. , Panasonic Corp. and Coca-Cola Co.
   An official of Japan Airlines , an "official" partner, said, "We will continue preparing for the games." A senior official at another sponsor firm said, "We hope to keep making contributions so that the Olympics will be held in an environment safe for athletes and all other parties concerned."


