2020.03.24 17:45Nation

8割は無症状か軽症 CT検査で半数が異常陰影―クルーズ船104症例・自衛隊




2020.03.24 17:45Nation

80 Pct of Diamond Princess Coronavirus Patients Show No or Mild Symptoms

About 80 pct of coronavirus patients from the virus-hit Diamond Princess cruise ship showed no or mild symptoms, according to a report compiled by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces Central Hospital.
   The Tokyo hospital accepted patients who tested positive for the virus in their polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, checks on the ship, and gave an analysis of 104 people who agreed to cooperate for the report and its release.
   The report is believed to be one of the largest analyses of coronavirus-caused symptoms compiled in Japan, according to the Defense Ministry. The report was posted on the hospital's website for medical workers.
   The proportions of patients who showed no symptoms and mild symptoms when they were hospitalized were 40 pct, respectively, while the remaining 20 pct showed serious symptoms, according to the report.
   But the report added that computed tomography, or CT, scans of the lungs of the patients with no or mild symptoms showed that half of them had apparent abnormalities caused by the virus.


