2020.03.24 17:51Nation

河井案里氏秘書ら起訴 連座制適用へ百日裁判請求―公選法違反事件・広島地検


2020.03.24 17:51Nation

Aides to LDP Lawmaker Couple Indicted over Campaign Scandal

Public prosecutors indicted on Tuesday secretaries to Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker Anri Kawai and her husband, Katsuyuki, also a lawmaker of the ruling party, for an alleged election law violation during the wife's campaign last year.
   The prosecutors also asked Hiroshima District Court for a 100-day trial of the secretary to Anri Kawai, 46, in a move to nullify her election from the Hiroshima electoral district in western Japan to the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of parliament, if the secretary is convicted.
   The Hiroshima District Public Prosecutors Office is investigating whether the Kawais were involved in the alleged wrongdoing, with the husband, 57, suspected to have been substantially controlling the wife's campaign. Over the scandal, he resigned as justice minister last autumn.
   Under a guilt-by-association system stipulated by the public offices election law, an elected official could be stripped of his or her post if his or her campaign manager is found guilty of corruption.
   The prosecutors apparently believe that Hiroshi Tatemichi, 54, a government-paid secretary to Anri Kawai, played a leading role in her campaign for the Upper House poll in July 2019.


