2020.03.24 12:45Nation

独仏なども入国拒否へ 茂木外相「特別扱いせず」―新型コロナ


2020.03.24 12:45Nation

Japan to Ban Entry from 18 European Nations

Japan will soon expand its entry ban related to the novel coronavirus crisis to cover travelers from 18 European countries and Iran, Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said Tuesday.
   The move comes after the foreign ministry raised its travel alert for these countries to Level 3, the second highest on its four-tier warning system, advising people to cancel trips.
   The 18 European countries are Germany, France, the Netherlands and Belgium, among others. They also include Italy, Spain and Switzerland, which have partially been subject to the entry ban.
   Japan has already been refusing the entry of individuals arriving from China and South Korea.
   "Japan imposes its entry ban on travelers from countries for which it has issued a Level 3 travel alert," Motegi said at a press conference. "We don't make an exception unless there are special circumstances."


