2020.03.23 18:54Nation

森会長、延期に理解 聖火リレーは予定通り実施―東京五輪





2020.03.23 18:54Nation

Japan, IOC to Discuss Options for Tokyo Games, except Cancellation

The Tokyo Olympic organizing committee said Monday that Japan and the International Olympic Committee will discuss options for the Tokyo Games, currently slated for this summer, but denied any possibility of the event being cancelled altogether.
   "We've decided to discuss what we can do" amid the threat of the novel coronavirus, Yoshiro Mori, the organizing committee's president, told reporters. He stressed, however, "Cancellation is not an option."
   Toshiro Muto, director-general of the committee, said "there's been no change" to the schedule for starting the Olympic torch relay in Japan on Thursday.
   At an extraordinary executive meeting by phone on Sunday, the IOC decided to consider postponing the Tokyo Olympics and to reach a conclusion within four weeks after consulting with concerned parties including the organizing committee and Tokyo metropolitan government.
   In modern Olympic history, there have been cancellations of the quadrennial sports event, due to world wars, but no postponements.


