2020.03.20 06:13Nation

五輪開催、日本の判断尊重 施設整備で「素晴らしい仕事」―米大統領


2020.03.20 06:13Nation

Trump Says to Follow Japan's Decision over Olympics

U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday showed his readiness to follow a decision to be made by the Japanese government on the fate of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics amid the global spread of the novel coronavirus.
   At a press conference at the White House, Trumps said that the leaders of the Group of Seven major industrial nations, including himself and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, discussed the Tokyo Games in their emergency videoconference held on Monday.
   "We don't know what his (Abe's) decision is, but we would live with his decision," Trump said in the press conference. "That's a big decision for him."
   Trump also said that the situation surrounding the Tokyo Games is tough due to the viral outbreak but that Japan has done "an incredible job" in building Olympic venues.
   In past Olympic Games, venues cost five times more than they were supposed to or were not ready on time, Trump said. "Japan has been just the opposite," he said, adding: "They built it beautifully. They built it for what it was supposed to be built for."


