2020.03.20 09:18Nation

G7サミット、テレビ会議に 新型コロナ対応で―米政府


2020.03.20 09:18Nation

June G-7 Summit to Be Held by Videoconference

The Group of Seven summit slated for June will be held by videoconference in light of the new coronavirus pandemic, White House sources said Thursday.
   U.S. President Donald Trump, who chairs the summit, made the decision, according to the sources. The June summit among the seven countries--Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States--plus the European Union had originally been planned to take place at the Camp David presidential retreat near Washington.
   A White House spokesperson said in a statement that Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council, who serves as sherpa, or personal representative of the U.S. president at the summit, has informed the other participating countries of the decision to hold the upcoming session by videoconference.
   The spokesperson also said that Trump has notified the other G-7 nations of plans to hold a videoconference also in April and May to promote cooperation in the fight against the new coronavirus.


