2020.03.20 07:10Nation

新型コロナ、外交にも影響 テレビ会議も、深い議論困難


2020.03.20 07:10Nation

New Coronavirus Affecting Diplomatic Events

The worldwide spread of the new coronavirus has been affecting diplomatic events, with some upcoming international meetings postponed to later dates.
   Meanwhile, a meeting of the foreign ministers of the Group of Seven major industrial nations, which had initially been scheduled to take place in Pittsburgh next Tuesday and Wednesday, has been rearranged to be held by videoconference amid the continuing outbreak of the virus.
   Earlier this month, leaders of the G-7 nations--Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States--held a videoconference, which was also joined by representatives of the European Union. This was the first G-7 summit held by videoconference.
   "It's true that problems have occurred as a result of major international meetings not being held (as scheduled) around the world," Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi told a parliamentary committee meeting Wednesday.
   The series of postponements of international meetings came as many countries have introduced entry restrictions on foreigners and imposed restraints on large-scale events to prevent the virus from spreading further.


