2020.03.21 11:32Nation

米国水連、1年延期を要求 「21年が解決策」―東京五輪


2020.03.21 11:32Nation

USA Swimming Calls for One-Year Tokyo Olympics Delay

USA Swimming has called for postponing the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics by one year due to the new coronavirus pandemic.
   In a letter, released Friday, the head of the U.S. national governing body for swimming urged the U.S. proposal for the Tokyo Games delay.
   "As this global pandemic has grown, we have watched our athletes' worlds be turned upside down and watched them struggle to find ways to continue to prepare and train--many for the biggest competitive opportunity of their lives," USA Swimming said.
   The postponement "is a solution that provides a concrete path forward and allows all athletes to prepare for a safe and successful Olympic Games in 2021," the group said.
   In a statement, the USOPC expressed its support for the International Olympic Committee's position that it is too early to determine whether or not the Tokyo Games should be held as scheduled.


