2020.03.23 02:13Nation

熊本知事に蒲島郁夫氏4選 前市長を破る




2020.03.23 02:13Nation

Kabashima Elected to 4th Term as Kumamoto Governor

Ikuo Kabashima was elected to his fourth four-year term as governor of Kumamoto Prefecture, southwestern Japan, on Sunday.
   Voter turnout stood at 45.03 pct, lower than for the previous gubernatorial election in the prefecture in 2016. The drop came apparently because the poll took place amid the nationwide spread of the new coronavirus.
   Kabashima, a 73-year-old independent, was supported by the prefectural chapters of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partner, Komeito. He also gained the backing of many organizations such as the Kumamoto arm of the Japanese Trade Union Confederation, or Rengo.
   The incumbent beat out his sole contender, 54-year-old independent Seishi Koyama, former mayor of the city of Kumamoto, the capital of the prefecture. Koyama was supported by the prefectural branches of three opposition parties--the Democratic Party for the People, the Japanese Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party.
   Kabashima garnered 437,133 votes against 216,569 for Koyama.


