2020.03.21 00:12Nation

6中銀がドル資金供給強化 コロナで現金需要増大


2020.03.21 00:12Nation

6 Central Banks to Further Enhance Dollar Liquidity Supply

The Bank of Japan, the U.S. Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank and three other major central banks on Friday announced their decision to further enhance their dollar liquidity supplies to help private-sector institutions weather the impact of the new coronavirus pandemic.
   The additional step comes as both financial institutions and nonfinancial businesses are increasing procurements of dollar funds to prepare for economic and financial market turmoil amid the virus crisis.
   The first set of measures was announced last Monday. Using the series of steps, the six central banks, also including the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England and the Swiss National Bank, aim to stabilize the global financial markets.
   The six banks supply dollar funds procured under their liquidity swap line arrangements to financial institutions.
   As the additional step, the central banks will increase the frequency of seven-day liquidity-supplying operations "from weekly to daily." The daily operations will begin on Monday and remain in place until the end of April.


