2020.03.21 01:23Nation

クルーズ除き1000人超 国内の新型コロナ感染


2020.03.21 01:23Nation

Coronavirus Infections Top 1,000 in Japan Excluding Cruise Ship Cases

The number of people who have been confirmed in Japan to be infected with the novel coronavirus topped 1,000 on Friday, excluding 712 passengers and crew members of the Diamond Princess cruise ship.
   More than 50 people tested positive for the virus on the day. Among them are those who have returned from foreign countries, such as Spain, Portugal, Ireland, the Netherlands and the Philippines.
   In Saitama Prefecture, eastern Japan, a female tour guide was found to have the virus.
   In the southwestern city of Oita, four staff workers at the Oita Medical Center and a former inpatient at the hospital were confirmed to be infected with the virus. Local authorities, including the Oita prefectural government, suspect that in-hospital infections have occurred.
   Meanwhile, three people infected with the virus were confirmed to have died on Friday. They were a man in Tokyo in his 70s, an elderly man in Nagoya, the capital of the central prefecture of Aichi, and a Canadian man in his 70s who was aboard the cruise ship. The death toll from the virus in Japan rose to 43, including eight people who were aboard the Diamond Princess.


