2020.03.19 19:58Nation

WTOに小委設置要請 インドのスマホ関税上げ―政府


2020.03.19 19:58Nation

Japan Wants WTO Panel on India's Smartphone Tariffs

The Japanese government Thursday asked the World Trade Organization to set up a dispute settlement panel over India's tariffs on smartphones and some other electronic products.
   Tokyo says India broke its promise that it would scrap the tariffs of 10-20 pct, introduced between 2014 and 2019.
   In May last year, Japan filed a complaint with the WTO to launch bilateral talks with India to resolve the issue. But the talks ended in failure.
   If the panel is established as requested, a judgment would be made in 12 to 18 months.
   But because of the coronavirus pandemic, it has not been decided when the WTO will hold a meeting to decide whether to set up such a panel.


