2020.03.19 19:00Nation

2月訪日客、震災後並みの6割減 過去最大の150万人マイナス―中国88%減


2020.03.19 19:00Nation

Visitors to Japan Drop 58.3 Pct in Feb. amid Virus Scare

The number of foreign visitors to Japan in February dropped 58.3 pct from a year before to 1,085,100, due to the new coronavirus pandemic, estimates by the Japan National Tourism Organization showed Thursday.
   The estimates show that the number of visitors from China, where the virus originated, plunged 87.9 pct amid the Chinese government's ban on overseas group tours. The number of South Korean visitors also fell some 80 pct.
   Visitors from the West also decreased, as many avoided traveling to Japan over fears of infections.
   The coronavirus has since spread rapidly in Europe and other regions as well. Many airlines around the world canceled or reduced international services, including those serving Japan, in March.
   The steep drop in travel demand is feared to have an even bigger effect on the number of visitors to Japan in that month.


