2020.03.19 17:47Nation

公共料金支払い猶予へ 政府、困窮者支援で異例の要請―新型コロナ


2020.03.19 17:47Nation

Japan Calls for Utility Bill Payment Moratorium

The Japanese government requested Thursday that electricity and gas suppliers give a moratorium on bill payments to help people suffering financially due to the spread of the new coronavirus.
   Industry minister Hiroshi Kajiyama said at a news conference that the government wants the moratorium to start for a one-month period.
   The government will respond to situations flexibly afterward, he added, hinting at a possible extension of the grace period.
   At a separate news conference, communications minister Sanae Takaichi said the government has asked mobile and fixed-line phone service providers to offer a deferred payment option to help subscribers who cannot pay fees or renew contracts after being infected with the virus and hospitalized.
   The government also called on Japan Broadcasting Corp., or NHK, to notify viewers that delays in license fee payment will be exempted from interest for four months.


