2024.09.28 07:12Nation

石破氏「危機に強い経済」提唱 成長と財政両立、地方再生を重視―自民総裁選


2024.09.28 07:12Nation

New LDP Head Ishiba Aiming for Economy Resilient to Crises

Newly elected Liberal Democratic Party leader Shigeru Ishiba advocates creating a Japanese economy resilient to crises by using economic policies to tackle inflation, the aging population, geopolitical risks and risks from natural disasters.
   Ishiba, who is almost certain to become prime minister to succeed outgoing Fumio Kishida after winning the ruling LDP's presidency in Friday's election, aims to balance economic growth and fiscal discipline as Japan braces for higher interest rates.
   He has also set as a key goal a complete end to Japan's deflation within the first three years of his tenure as prime minister. While attaching importance to regional revitalization, he is considering creating a new government task force for macroeconomic management.
   In the LDP race, Ishiba said he would "aim to achieve a growth-oriented economy" by flexibly implementing fiscal measures, maintaining the policy approach of Kishida, who promoted wage hikes and increased investments to fully defeat deflation.
   Ishiba's policy pledges included steps to tackle rising prices for daily necessities and higher housing loan interest rates, as well as measures to create an environment conducive to wage increases. He is expected to order the compilation of economic measures soon after being elected as prime minister by the Diet, the country's parliament, next week.


