2024.09.20 12:10Nation

日中、水産物禁輸緩和へ調整 IAEAの監視強化


2024.09.20 12:10Nation

Japan, China Mull Easing Beijing's Import Ban

The Japanese and Chinese governments are working toward easing China's prolonged import ban on Japanese fishery products introduced in response to treated water releases into the sea from the Fukushima No.1 nuclear plant, Japanese government sources said Friday.
   Tokyo hopes to address Beijing's concerns by strengthening the International Atomic Energy Agency's treated water monitoring system also joined by China, the sources said.
   Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is expected to agree with IAEA Director-General Rafael Grossi in a telephone conference on Friday afternoon on the strengthening of the monitoring system.
   China introduced the import ban in August last year, shortly after Japan started the discharges of radioactive tritium-containing treated water into the sea from Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s meltdown-stricken Fukushima No.1 plant in northeastern Japan.


