2024.09.17 22:43Nation

日立造船、排ガス濃度でも不正 舶用エンジンのデータ改ざん


2024.09.17 22:43Nation

New Data-Tampering Found at Hitachi Zosen

Japanese heavy machinery maker Hitachi Zosen Corp. has disclosed newly found data fraud regarding the measurement of exhaust gas from its ship engines.
   The company is already embroiled in a fuel economy data-tampering scandal. The latest problem was explained in an interim report on the data falsification submitted to the transport ministry Tuesday.
   The Hitachi Zosen group had used faulty data to calculate nitrogen oxide emissions, so it plans to re-evaluate whether the emission levels fall within regulatory limits. It intends to continue investigations into the issue and establish a system to prevent recurrences.
   The interim report summarized the progress of probes conducted by the group and a special investigative committee.
   Of the 1,375 engines shipped by two Hitachi Zosen subsidiaries since 1999, data-tampering produced incorrect data on fuel economy for 1,372 units and on nitrogen oxide emissions for all 1,375 units.


