2024.09.13 19:15Nation

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2024.09.13 19:15Nation

Japan Govt, Plaintiffs Sign Deal on Forced Sterilization Suits

The Japanese government and plaintiffs on Friday signed an agreement toward settling a series of damages lawsuits over forced sterilizations conducted under the now-defunct eugenic protection law.
   The agreement includes payments by the government and its apology to the victims. It came over six years after the first of the forced sterilization lawsuits was filed in January 2018.
   Under the deal, the government will pay 15 million yen in damages to each forced sterilization victim, as well as cover their legal fees.
   If an individual who underwent forced sterilization and a spouse are both plaintiffs of the lawsuits, the country will pay 13 million yen to the forced sterilization victim and 2 million yen to the spouse in damages, as well as pay for the legal fees of both people.
   The agreement came after a ruling by the Supreme Court last July recognized that the now-defunct eugenic protection law was unconstitutional and that the government was liable to pay damages.


