2020.03.10 08:59Nation

中村・緒方氏の功績紹介 19年版開発協力白書


2020.03.10 08:59Nation

Japan White Paper Praises Nakamura, Ogata

The Japanese government in a report released on Tuesday highlighted the achievements of Japanese doctor Tetsu Nakamura and former U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Sadako Ogata, who both passed away last year.
   The 2019 white paper on development cooperation, which was submitted to the day's cabinet meeting by Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi, includes a column mourning Nakamura, who was shot dead in Afghanistan in December while working on a mission to help rebuild the country.
   Nakamura, who was the representative in Afghanistan of Japanese humanitarian aid group Peshawar-kai, was involved not only in medical activities but also in digging wells and canals as part of the reconstruction efforts.
   The report says Nakamura "contributed greatly to the friendship between Japan and Afghanistan."
   It praises the achievements of Ogata, who was the first woman to hold the key U.N. post. Ogata, who also served as president of the Japan International Cooperation Agency, "displayed remarkable leadership skills," the report says.


