2024.07.24 19:15World eye

黒人侍騒動、「アサシン クリード」開発元が釈明「創作表現の自由」

【パリAFP=時事】フランスのゲーム大手Ubisoft(ユービーアイソフト)は23日、「アサシン クリード」シリーズ最新作に黒人の侍が登場することをめぐり発売中止を求める署名が10万筆近く集まったのを受け、「創作表現の自由」だと釈明した。(写真は、米カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルスで行われた「アサシン クリード シャドウズ」のプロモーションイベント)
 同シリーズには世界中のさまざまな舞台や時代背景が登場する。戦国時代の日本を舞台にした最新作「アサシン クリード シャドウズ」は11月に発売が予定されている。
 「『アサシン クリード シャドウズ』の発表以来、多くのご期待をいただいた反面、日本のプレーヤーをはじめとする皆さまからご指摘やご意見も頂戴しました」
 「『アサシン クリード シャドウズ』を含む「アサシン クリード」シリーズのゲームは、史実や歴史上の人物を再現する目的で作られたものではありません。プレーヤーの皆さまの好奇心を刺激し、私たちがインスピレーションを得た歴史的な舞台を探求し、知っていただくことを目指しています」
2024.07.24 19:15World eye

'Assassin's Creed' makers defend 'creative liberties' in black samurai row

The makers of Assassin's Creed defended their creative liberties on Tuesday after nearly 100,000 people signed a petition launched in Japan against the introduction of a new black samurai character.
Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed Shadows, set to be released in November, is the latest edition of a franchise that has been set in various periods of history across the world.
'Shadows' allows players to step into the shoes of two heroes: female assassin Naoe and Yasuke, a black samurai presented as a 16th-century historical figure who was kidnapped by Portuguese slave traders on the east African coast and taken to Japan.
Critics in Japan launched a petition on June 19, a month after game-maker Ubisoft unveiled a trailer featuring the protagonist, lamenting a serious lack of historical accuracy and cultural respect.
Its author accused Ubisoft of having made factual errors and a serious insult to Japanese culture and history that can be understood as racism against Asians.
While the petition did not dispute the existence of Yasuke, it claimed that he had never received the samurai title. It was signed by some 95,000 people as of Tuesday.
The plea called on France-based Ubisoft to halt the game's release and show greater respect for Japan's culture and traditions.
The game's makers responded on Tuesday in a statement addressed to its esteemed Japanese community which explains its creative liberties and historical inspirations.
Since the announcement of Assassin's Creed Shadows, we have received many positive reactions, but also some criticism including from you, our Japanese players, the statement said.
Our intention has never been to present any of our Assassin's Creed games, including Assassin's Creed Shadows, as factual representations of history, or historical characters, it said.
The designers said they had collaborated with consultants, historians, researchers and internal teams at Ubisoft Japan to inform our creative choices.
Despite these sustained efforts, we acknowledge that some elements in our promotional materials have caused concern within the Japanese community. For this, we sincerely apologize.
Samurai expert Julien Peltier told AFP in March that while the figure of the famed warrior is fascinating and we'd like to know a lot more about him, we don't know much and that makes him the subject of every fantasy.
In Tuesday's statement, the games designers said: While Yasuke is depicted as a samurai in Assassin's Creed Shadows, we acknowledge that this is a matter of debate and discussion.
The Assassin's Creed universe has been set in ancient Egypt, the Crusades, revolutionary France and the Viking period.


