2020.03.05 00:28Nation

大熊町も一部避難解除 常磐線駅周辺の困難区域―福島


2020.03.05 00:28Nation

Evacuation Order Partially Lifted for Another Fukushima Town

The town of Okuma, a host of the crippled nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan, had an evacuation order for its "difficult-to-return" zones partially lifted at midnight on Wednesday (3 p.m. GMT).
   The move followed the partial lifting of the evacuation order 24 hours before for such zones in the town of Futaba, another host of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, the site of the March 2011 triple reactor meltdown.
   In Okuma, the evacuation order was lifted for areas totaling 4.2 hectares in locations around Ono Station on East Japan Railway Co.'s Joban Line and around a prefectural hospital.
   The lifting of the order came in line with the full reopening of the Joban Line on March 14, and does not involve the return of residents.
   Entry restrictions were eased for a difficult-to-return zone totaling 292 hectares where decontamination has run its course.


