2024.06.17 11:14Nation

立民・連合と連携意向 衆院選「秋の可能性高い」―玉木国民代表


2024.06.17 11:14Nation

Japan's DPFP to Work with CDP, Rengo in General Election

The opposition Democratic Party for the People will cooperate with the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Japanese Trade Union Confederation, or Rengo, in the next general election, DPFP head Yuichiro Tamaki said Monday.
   In a meeting with Rengo President Tomoko Yoshino, Tamaki said that the next general election of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, the country's parliament, is very likely to be held in autumn.
   "We want to prepare for the election in cooperation with Rengo," Tamaki also said.
   After the meeting, he told reporters that the DPFP will pursue an agreement with the main opposition CDP on basic policies related to the country's foundations, aiming to form three-way cooperation with the CDP and Rengo.
   Tamaki said that it is necessary to create a realistic, unbiased and honest administration in order to replace the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. He also showed his willingness to talk with CDP leader Kenta Izumi on the envisioned cooperation.


