2024.06.17 12:08Nation

中国の核増強「急速で不透明」 林官房長官


2024.06.17 12:08Nation

Japan Govt Spokesman Voices Worry over China Nuke Expansion

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi on Monday expressed worry about what he described as China's "rapid and unclear" expansion of its nuclear arsenal.
   "China is believed to be continuing to enhance its nuclear warfare capabilities by increasing the number of nuclear warheads it possesses in a rapid and unclear manner," Hayashi told a press conference.
   He was commenting on a report published by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, or SIPRI, the same day saying that Beijing is boosting its nuclear arsenal.
   "China is expanding its nuclear arsenal faster than any other country," SIPRI researcher Hans Kristensen said in a press release on the report.
   "The road to a world without nuclear weapons is becoming increasingly difficult," Hayashi said. "As the only country to have suffered atomic bombings in war, we will lead the international community's efforts and continue and strengthen realistic and practical efforts."


